Friday, September 22, 2017

From Abraham to Lot, to the Shulimite woman who hosted Elisha, to Martha and Mary even to the leaders of congregations hospitality has been announced as part of everyday life. 

Apart of a cultural norm. To not look only after your own but also the sojourner and the stranger, the poor and the broken. The widow and the fatherless.

 The Kingdom of Heaven holds a banquet for these ones and invites them to participate in the festival of delight. The family of God. The tribe of Christ.

Unity in the body of Christ is found by the showing of love to those who are not your own. 
It's easy to love those close to you but to love those that come and go from your life? 

To love the stranger that stands in the line in the shopping mall? 

To love the customer who is complaining about something you might have done wrong? 

To love the neighbour that keeps you awake all night with the music ringing in your ears. 

To love the person in the car that cuts you off or pulled in front of you. 

This is easier said then done, it is more helpful to say then to just do without being asked. 
It is the small things that create huge waves in other peoples lives.

Are you watching? 

Are you looking for those small wonders? 

Have you been touched by the heart of another? Blessed to be a blessing?

Does the industry of hospitality really make you feel refreshed? Comforted? Safe? Secure? Is it a Sanctuary? Do you feel like your feet are being washed?

How can we wash feet? Where can we make use of this habit in our daily lives?

Washing of the feet symbolises yes humility but also it is an opportunity of genuine worship. 
Take the story of the sinful woman in scripture who poured out her life's possessions for the one found worthy.

The washing the feet can also be seen as friendship opening the door to express love and enjoyment. 

My God walked upon this planet...

He who was formed in the womb of a woman has now arisen and sits on a throne.
Captivated by hearts that draw near to hear his voice.
King Jesus set the captives free. King Jesus make the blind to see.

Rebellion and hate are growing still massacres happen nearly everyday.
Stabbing fighting hating the human life. Religion being a form of deceit.

Jeshua came to bring about a life incarnate to those who have died. 
Sin greed hate and jealousy all have lost the battle, for love will rule them all. 
And love has conquered death itself, fighting it to its grave. 
No more sorrow no more tears a time will come when life will be fulfilled.

Triumph and splendor greatness and wealth, proud of my maker. 
Whom humbled himself.

The land of sorrow will become a land of hope. Jerusalem and Judah will sing again. 
Songs of glad tidings to its King of kings.

My God walked upon this planet. My God has not forsaken me.
My God has woken every captive and called them his friend.

Accepted. Beloved. Adorned with great light. 
Fantasy has become reality with the bride becoming a wife.
 Dynasty and royalty are commonly found in speeches of Kings and Queens.
You now have the deciding choice to bow before the king. 
To become his friend and companion or become one he has not known.