Sunday, January 6, 2013

Two Thousand and Twelve I moved to Tauranga to do a DTS
Most of the Students (Bonny hadn't arrived yet)
Spent time in the Prayer room (THOP)Learnt about the importance of intimacy with God and his worth. Also learnt that its not about who I am but Whose I am. :)#heartknowledge
We went on Outreach to the Philippines
I came home to discover that I really just wanted to be in God's presence all the time he wasn't finished with me yet. So i went back and staffed
My sisters wedding (plus i went or was in 3 other weddings)
Outreach in NZ
This has been one life changing year bring on 2013. What will God do next keep up to date on my posts. If you would like to be involved, the best thing you can do is pray. Prayer is powerful and more importantly, uniting. If you feel further led to be part of what God is doing specifically with this trip and interceding on behalf of this team, please send me an email at If you want to know more, ask questions about what is Missions, who is Jesus, or just catch up, contact me. I’d love to hear from you! I am extremely excited to once again have an opportunity like this, and am thrilled especially to be able to help lead a group of individuals who like myself, desperately desire to explore the Heart of God for themselves and others. I am grateful for each of you and the Kingdom I have discovered along the way with you. May the horizons and mystery before you be filled with hope because of the Father who guides your steps! For His Glory and Declaration of His Name Renee Pearce

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