Monday, March 25, 2013

Identity and Kingdom Culture

Orphans vs. Sons of God
Sin created the orphan spirit when we chose to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden. So because of the orphan-ness of this world people try to be like God, to take his place in their lives as father, provider, saviour, King, carer, supreme ruler, authority and so much more. “Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” (Phil 2 vs. 6) Yet he was God, but he came to show the way through humility and showing love to the least of these. How much more should we who are made up of many numbers (the church) be like Jesus in his servant hearted way. Even unto death he did ONLY what he saw the father doing and said what his father told him. He showed us what being a Son of God is. Ephesian 1 vs. 4-5 says “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will” So we are made with a DNA that longs for unity, oneness with three parts to it, (our bodies, soul and spirit). So in connection with human beings we are created to be in relationship in three parts male, female and God. Man wasn’t lonely when he was in the garden he was alone which is different because God saw, that he in himself had three parts Father Son and Holy Spirit. Man had masculinity and feminity in him but there was still something missing. So God took from the male a part of the feminine make up and created female in human form. But they were both Adam, it wasn’t until they had both eaten from the apple that anything happened, and Eve wasn’t named until Adam rejected her as the woman and accused her of giving him the fruit. God was always meant to be in the picture of who we are part of our make up because we are created in his image and likeness. He is the author and creator of who we are. He knows our inner most being because created us he knows that you struggle with this or that, he knows you have sickness or get tired easily. He created you to reach out to him for wisdom and understand in how to live life his perfect way. Being given this revelation that we are sons and daughters of God knowing our original design gives fresh understanding and freedom from the lies that we are surrounded by. Coming into the light brings overwhelming love joy and peace, because it’s the truth and it sets you free. We need to keep reminding ourselves and each other of whose we are and what it means to be a son and daughter of God. Read scripture it describes who we are in Christ Jesus.

A culture of Honour and the meaning of a name. I have been pondering and been given revelation from my father in Heaven of the culture of the Kingdom and how we are meant to be “in this world but not of it” (Romans 12vs.2). We can practically apply the culture of the Kingdom by serving and loving others. For me I find the words we speak to be very important because they either bring life or death. That is all we do with our tongue up-lift or encourage or criticize and put down. Thus I am weary of what I say to people. While also wanting to help create an environment, a characteristic in the community I live in where ‘I love you’ is meant as brotherly and sisterly love. Where you are free to say ‘I love you’ and not be scarred that they may think you like them and want to marry them. To shake off the lies attached to God’s words. That religion has made nasty in our mouths. The other day I learnt what my full name meant and it’s surreal to think that when my parents first saw me they prophesied life over me, destiny over me. So my name is Renee—Born again. Elizabeth—God’s promise, I am God’s daughter. Anne- Grace and favour, prayer. Pearce—Rock. Amazing right? I feel these words are becoming fruition as I use the giftings and talents God has placed in me to excel in, and reap (which is my initials) the good harvest.

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