I went away to be birthed
I went away to be nourished with truth.
I went away for my hunger longed for it.
I went away to come alive.
Now being awakened, I carry a new thing
A thing to be birthed, a large package;
It will be delivered to a people yet known.
A burden for souls to be awakened
To rise from the ashes and step into beauty.
To know oneself is to know ones maker.
So follow me to the merry tune.
Skipping and singing towards the King.
Come away to be romanced,
By the King of all Kings.
Your beloved one longs,
The beloved one pursues your heart.
A noble theme,
an encounter of the heart,
Just one word
Just one phrase
Just one touch will melt your heart.
Don't hold back, never let go,
Don't let distraction, shame or envy make you go
From the arms of mercy,
the arms of love.
Come to him who calls you his own.
For your identity is in him,
He alone knows and sees you.
He is your protection,
Your sense of hope.
Come all ye who are weary,
Run to him,
Bound over the hills.
For he awaits, he longs,
He desires you to belong.
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