Slave: "Cries out on the streets, in the malls until dawn. I want to be found!"
Slave: "Screams here I am, here's where I am! Use me! See me!"
Freedom says: "Come! Feel the touch of grace through me! Grace to be yourself, grace to walk as intended, without boundaries and limits, of WHO you really are. The destiny you once were has come alive. FREEDOM. Resurrection. Whole. Forgiven. No limit to the speed you go towards the Self you were created to be."
Slave: cries help!
Freedom says: I will.
Freedom says: I will.
Slave: Who are you?
Freedom: "I am your creator, your origin, in whom I liken you to look like.
I fashioned and formed you in the depths of the earth, putting each finger, eye and toe in place, just right!I am the one who gave you your name, your breathe, your very existence."
Slave: "whispers why would you do this for me? I am bound in chains? I couldn't pay you back? Gradually getting louder spelling out it's self life. I can't even reach you? I can't find you? I don't know how to accept You? I'm ugly, I've been used, I'm broken in pieces?"
Freedom starts walking closer, looking with compassion and mercy as Slave gets lower to the ground and falls backward.
Freedom: "I do not condemn you, come I have a key, I have band aids, come I'll tell you who you truly are. Walk with me, I'll walk you through the life I planned for you."
Slave: Cries What if I fall, what if I make a mistake, what if I don't live up to what you expect?
As Freedom unlocks one locket. A flash of light, a spark, Slave jeers backwards. "What was that?"
As Freedom unlocks one locket. A flash of light, a spark, Slave jeers backwards. "What was that?"
Where to go from here, what should be the answer to Slaves question?