Sunday, October 19, 2014

A generation of lovers will arise

Oh the silence of fathers and mothers. The rebellious , corrupt generations that just wanted to do what they wanted when they wanted to do it, and wanting to give their kids instant things. But look actually look at what this next generation is walking in, you who were fathered and mothered yet denied the presence of that which is necessary, did you not learn from them? Did you not hear their advice? Are you juggling too many expectations of what people actually want. Are we not mothers are we not fathers do you not see that love is the answer, that not human love nor the gifts of humanity but an eternal love that out lasts the generations, that is consistent, pure and exactly what we crave.
Is not the LORD drawing and calling people to be lovers not workers, is not the LORD cultivating a generation of new fathers and mothers, of nurturing by faith, by humility and grace extended to one and all. Is not the LORD fashioning and forming a definite expression of him self with those who are willing to go to the extreme, to go to the hardest and furtherest nations, those that are blinded by religion by doing things.
Come then join in the fun in the song of revelation. A dance of joyous pursuit, a hope that which we have been called, extends it's hand to us and pulls us along. A swirl and a swing a tangling a win, dancing beneath an autumn leaf song. Trees are dancing, waving there branches hurray. The leaves are falling down for joy and laughter is their game. A royal ballet a cheerful glee as one comes to the kingdom entering victoriously

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