Friday, April 13, 2012

So there is only 7 days left till we go overseasto the Philippines. I'm excited for God to move while we are there for him to be glorifed to use us in life changing ways. The last couple of weeks have been full yet refreshing. We've learnt about the importance of God's word reciveing new and amazing deepths of wisdom about his word and the worldview in a biblical sense. Seeing the big picture and also doing a bible study taking Ephesians 3 and exploring it individually then coming back together again and talking about the revelations we had of what God was saying then and also to us currently about his message.

The next week we had freedom in Christ were we were delivered from curses and addictions it was a freeing week, I felt a load be lifted off and knowing that I will remember this day as a life changing awakening of spiritual life day where the devil cant threaten me with insults because Jesus has already redeemed me from the yoke of burden and suffering. This is a new season a refreshing one where singing and joy are in abundance and I can sing of my delight in God. Song of songs 2 vs. 10 says “My lover spoke to be and said to me 'Arise my darling my beautiful One and come with me. See! The winter is past the rains are over and gone...” This verse reminds me I am in a new season a season for joy and singing that I am my beloveds and He is mine. I am beautiful lovely and he is showing me the gifts he has plaved in me. Like mothering, words of knowledge creative displays and so much more.

We learnt about the importance of the Cross and why it is the Gospel of the Kingdom that we share, that what Jesus has already done for us by dying on the cross is important but we must also share about what he is going to do when he comes a second time.

This week we have had free time because of Easter and the speaker being sick so it has been a time of relaxing and preparing for outreach. Also this week I had a revelation about whose I was as I have always struggled with who I was and what was the reason for living and doing life. But I had been asking the wrong question its not who am I but whose am I? And I had a heart to head revelation about whose I was I AM MY BELOVEDs AND HE IS MINE. This has brought such joy and peace to my heart I can really listen and hear my heart now for it has been pruned and cleansed by God. Its taken so long but now I finally can say and share my joy in knowing the one I call my lover and I am finding who I am in him. His royal bride, beautiful, precious, priceless, worth the wait, adorable, created for a purpose to bring joy and share the love I have been given. I am an image bearer for Christ to show his glory through me being a vessel and open for him to use me in whatever way he wants. For it is not I that live but Christ who lives in me.

After coming back from the Philippines I'm not quite sure what I will do so please keep me in your prayers all I do know is that Jesus has said come be humbled before me kneel at his feet and allow him to teach me his word. I am thinking of do the THOP (Tauranga house of Prayer) internship in April next year where I can reflect and lean on my beloved to go deeper in Him.

One of the assignments we have had to do was a creative devotional about an unreached people group. The country that most of us picked was Azerbaijan and we did different people groups like the Tats and Azeri people. So keep these people on your prayer lists for God to send people that are fully devoted to him to deliever his good news and proclaim that Jesus is glorified in heaven for his sacrifice and ulimate price paid for all humanity. Please feel free to research about other unreached people groups a good website is

So when you think and pray for me ask God to minister to the people we reach out to in the Philippines . If you would like to help finanically it would be of much help to this outreach to the people we help and disiciple for His glory. While over there I will only be using an internet cafe to check emails and facebook and Im not sure how many times we will be able to do that, so if you want to contact me or write a word of encouragement that will be such a blessing.

Many blessings


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