Wednesday, October 30, 2013

With a Joy Unending

Death is a passing in His story
A journey that is well devoted, well loved, well accomplished in life.
Leaving this body of sickness, the disease riddled with sin.
But oh the joy she now has singing at the feet of her King.

Oh the joy of living fully for the one her heart has longed to see.
Eyes wide open now, beholding the beauty of this Man.
Eternity waits for those who have a heart
A focused devotion to the King.

Eternity with the one named Love, Joy abounds in His nearness.
Joy is gladness overflowing, Love resounds like a symbol, crashing to and fro.
Her life was a devotion, her life was a nearness to her Lord, her life a resounding symbol of joy.

Come close to the one who knows you,
Give him all you have, for His delight is in you,
His joy overflows to you.
His peace, His love,
His security is found
Only in the presence of the Lord.

So draw near my weary and sad ones,
be comforted with a joy unending.

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