Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Adoration and expression through one on one interaction.

This past Tuesday we did an Adoration set, where we sat in a room with classical music; spiritually inspired of course; as our main leader spoke truths and words about the characteristic of God the EVERLASTING. He gave a few scriptures and then started to pray, speaking out his adoration of God, using words like Unceasing One, Continuous, Uncreated, Permanent, Immeasurable..... on and on he went, for a whole hour and WOW the presence of God was felt. He asked us to also meditate of some of the verses, to connect with God on a personal level as he was. He started off in Psalms 90:2:

“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

In the stillness and quiet places of my heart I looked and heard a voice 'I am continuous, I have no beginning and no end, I am uncreated, I am complete. I am the Ancient One and I stands alone, there is none who can compare to me, no box you can put me into, no catergory to explain label or define. I AM is everlasting, ever increasing,(in human sense) permanent and supreme. I formed culture, families and the lines of chemistry. The earth in its form was calculated, designed and breathe into. My finger print is on all things and from me is the flowing fountain that brings life and I am your access point to creativity, diversity, intellegence, and form. From me all things move and have their beings.'

So this is my hearts response to God, scattering my thoughts about him being Everlasting.

Anicent One, Glorious in Splendor, You were,
      You are and You will be forever
Lasting throughout eternity.

My heart beats double time
     For your nearness is incompariable.
Your Desire is for me
     I am Yours
              You are Mine.

Life overflows from you
     in you I have being...
I have beauty... I have value
     I have identity...
In you I find

In Your Great and Marvelous Design
     You have crafted, formed and breathe
Leaving your marks for me to see
     To search you out for all eternity.


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