Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ramblings of the mind

The love inside this heart of mine can only hold a drop of your love.

This love inside is much more than I can bear because this love is a gift.

A wedding gift, a proposal date, a mystery holiday, yet how to love a man and love God
Is quite different, You can taste, hear, smell and feel it yet not.

It grows deep below the surface beyond the verge of self-pity and self-awareness,
Beyond the mountains and high in the sky goes my love for thee, O my God.

Words are few and words are confused all muddled around this mind of mine.
I can't take it anymore, I just want You, I just want Your Kingdom to come, for perfection and grace.
For loves true face to be evident face to face. I long I hope I yearn for this day, yet how do I wait?

Escaping the world of boredom to face the wall of repentance, the wall of shame the wall of forgiveness
Oh, I can't take any more of this, these constant lies the endless worries and doubt that I am wrong and failed, I can't face the truth that is right in front of me. That I am loved relentlessly. That I have been set free, been made new,
Reborn and renewed day after day, hour after hour, you are washing the sot and dirt away. The pain inside and the Knowledge of what You say is right, I'm forgiven. Yet how can I have both sin and life within me; as Peter says; both sin and life rule within my life. I feel not good enough, not worthy to receive that which I did not earn, how can you give it so freely. The price has been paid, the life I now live is free indeed, yet in reality, it's being changed little by little, bit by bit. Slowly washing and making me into that which reflects you.

Oh how I know this in my head but my heart yearns to know this reality, to be sealed with a kiss of redemption and grace, of satisfaction, of living in the now, how?

How do I live for today thinking that it is my last, yet knowing there is a future for me, one promised by You.
Of hope and prosperity, to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for sadness, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

To write and express myself is what I long to be able to master, yet for what reason, for what purpose do I write, who am I writing too/ who will read these ramblings on pc or handwritten mail.

Oh that my mind would be full of good thoughts and would do as it is supposed to and not think of oneself as poor or down or unworthy. Oh that my mind would think about God as much as my brain thinks of nothingness or lies.

How do I even start to express these things in my head that bother me and torment me to let them out and tell someone about the issue I am having right now, oh words why do you flee from me. I wish tears  didn't make my body so tired or drained that they would express the feelings I feel and breath again to new life new passion, new victories in Christ.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Decerning the times

As I have been studying a little of the book of 1 Timothy, I have been looking at what era we are in. 
And where history is repeating itself?

I feel like we are in the Great Depression again, there may not have been a world war in the physical but in the atmosphere of the spirit I feel like those in the battle are getting weary. That those fighting need strength and a greater awareness of God’s presence in their life. To be sustained by the love of God and encouraged to preserve as we come into a new era. There is a shift taking place and we need not be overwhelmed by the increase of need but to strength ourselves by waiting on the Lord to send more labourers. To wait on the Lord to renew our strength. To wait on the Lord to sustain us when the storm is all around. 

Now is the time to renew that which has been placed within us. To search out and declare the mysteries of God. To seek out in the secret place the treasures of the Lord. To gravitate towards loving God and dwelling in his presence wherever we go. To draw near to God just as he is drawing nearer to us. 

Now is the time to prepare, for the time is yet short for the battle front is coming our way. The history books are being written and the display of the hand of the Lord will move. 

There is much fear and anxiety in this generation and much talk on what we can do to help. I believe it is the key of unlocking hearts to the beauty of the Lord, to basking in his beauty and to unit together to declare courage and hope to the generations, to those that are full of fear about the future. To comfort those who morn to weep with those who weep but also to rejoice as we see the hand of the Lord move. For he will do it. The Lord will see that which he has said be fulfilled. For he is the faithful and true God,  one who can be trusted in all his ways. 

What will change this era to the next? 

Unity in the beloved. Unity in the saints. Unity with One Voice declaring Jesus Jesus you are our King we trust your leadership. Lead us, we will say what you say. We will love like the love the father has for you. 

We ask we speak we declare would you show us your love, teach us your ways lead us on paths to everlasting life. 

To the King of Kings and the one who dwells in inapproachable light be glory and dominion. For to honour the King is the honour the Kingdom. 

God the Mystery that can be found

The Mystery of the unknown, the unimaginable, and the beauty in which one is beheld is found in one that is so worthy so holy so uncontrollably irresistible, in this state we are drawn to a place where we need answers to the longings, answers to the why and how and with whom do we behold and add this attachment. God is a mystery yet he has made himself known throughout creation, in this modern day we have so much information and resources into the knowledge of God. We have concordances, contemplative revelations of the word of God, of what God has spoken to the heart of man, to unfold and put distinction to the person of God. The trouble with this is that we have to sort and assess which is from God and which is man-made. Thus the importance of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, He is in the throne room he is the communication line from us to God. Having an understanding of how to listen how to attain wisdom in communication with the Holy Spirit is a life -long commitment and for the better part a work in progress, to unveil the face of the Lord God until his return in the sky and beyond

Thursday, August 30, 2018

If life were seen in footprints

If life was made of footprints I wonder how many you would have made.  
Where you would have travelled and who would be there with you.  
How many walls, streets and roads you have travelled that will determined your life's end. 
Will you travel the wide road that causes everyone to experience the same life. 
Or will you travel the narrow road full of adventures that some people have never been before. 
Going before so that others may know the barely traveled roads. 
Where bush and trees are an adventure and a place were your not alone but guided by the trees. 
Which way next only your heart knows best. 
Following the hidden treasure map. 
The one your heart sings about the place where only you can find out. 
In the heart of hearts you would know that following this dream is the only place for me.  
How many worn paths have we traveled back and forth. Houses we have lived in and rooms we have contended in. 
If a footprint was a description of a life who knows where your feet will find a place to rest and stare.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

From Abraham to Lot, to the Shulimite woman who hosted Elisha, to Martha and Mary even to the leaders of congregations hospitality has been announced as part of everyday life. 

Apart of a cultural norm. To not look only after your own but also the sojourner and the stranger, the poor and the broken. The widow and the fatherless.

 The Kingdom of Heaven holds a banquet for these ones and invites them to participate in the festival of delight. The family of God. The tribe of Christ.

Unity in the body of Christ is found by the showing of love to those who are not your own. 
It's easy to love those close to you but to love those that come and go from your life? 

To love the stranger that stands in the line in the shopping mall? 

To love the customer who is complaining about something you might have done wrong? 

To love the neighbour that keeps you awake all night with the music ringing in your ears. 

To love the person in the car that cuts you off or pulled in front of you. 

This is easier said then done, it is more helpful to say then to just do without being asked. 
It is the small things that create huge waves in other peoples lives.

Are you watching? 

Are you looking for those small wonders? 

Have you been touched by the heart of another? Blessed to be a blessing?

Does the industry of hospitality really make you feel refreshed? Comforted? Safe? Secure? Is it a Sanctuary? Do you feel like your feet are being washed?

How can we wash feet? Where can we make use of this habit in our daily lives?

Washing of the feet symbolises yes humility but also it is an opportunity of genuine worship. 
Take the story of the sinful woman in scripture who poured out her life's possessions for the one found worthy.

The washing the feet can also be seen as friendship opening the door to express love and enjoyment. 

My God walked upon this planet...

He who was formed in the womb of a woman has now arisen and sits on a throne.
Captivated by hearts that draw near to hear his voice.
King Jesus set the captives free. King Jesus make the blind to see.

Rebellion and hate are growing still massacres happen nearly everyday.
Stabbing fighting hating the human life. Religion being a form of deceit.

Jeshua came to bring about a life incarnate to those who have died. 
Sin greed hate and jealousy all have lost the battle, for love will rule them all. 
And love has conquered death itself, fighting it to its grave. 
No more sorrow no more tears a time will come when life will be fulfilled.

Triumph and splendor greatness and wealth, proud of my maker. 
Whom humbled himself.

The land of sorrow will become a land of hope. Jerusalem and Judah will sing again. 
Songs of glad tidings to its King of kings.

My God walked upon this planet. My God has not forsaken me.
My God has woken every captive and called them his friend.

Accepted. Beloved. Adorned with great light. 
Fantasy has become reality with the bride becoming a wife.
 Dynasty and royalty are commonly found in speeches of Kings and Queens.
You now have the deciding choice to bow before the king. 
To become his friend and companion or become one he has not known.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Fame is beauty in this world.
Yet in the presence of he who is beauty, he declares beauty as a definition of character, a existents of a being.

We marvel at landscape and twinkly lights, we marvel at a person or a show. Yet there is a presence in which you can enter and find a beauty indescribable so perfect that you shake with tremors and are in such awe of that presence.

In this presence you have been chosen to stand to gaze to look upon and behold holiness. To become like holiness and do as he does. In this presence you are identified as an existence of something greater than you can possible imagine