Monday, October 15, 2018

God the Mystery that can be found

The Mystery of the unknown, the unimaginable, and the beauty in which one is beheld is found in one that is so worthy so holy so uncontrollably irresistible, in this state we are drawn to a place where we need answers to the longings, answers to the why and how and with whom do we behold and add this attachment. God is a mystery yet he has made himself known throughout creation, in this modern day we have so much information and resources into the knowledge of God. We have concordances, contemplative revelations of the word of God, of what God has spoken to the heart of man, to unfold and put distinction to the person of God. The trouble with this is that we have to sort and assess which is from God and which is man-made. Thus the importance of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, He is in the throne room he is the communication line from us to God. Having an understanding of how to listen how to attain wisdom in communication with the Holy Spirit is a life -long commitment and for the better part a work in progress, to unveil the face of the Lord God until his return in the sky and beyond

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