As I have been studying a little of the book of 1 Timothy, I have been looking at what era we are in.
And where history is repeating itself?
I feel like we are in the Great Depression again, there may not have been a world war in the physical but in the atmosphere of the spirit I feel like those in the battle are getting weary. That those fighting need strength and a greater awareness of God’s presence in their life. To be sustained by the love of God and encouraged to preserve as we come into a new era. There is a shift taking place and we need not be overwhelmed by the increase of need but to strength ourselves by waiting on the Lord to send more labourers. To wait on the Lord to renew our strength. To wait on the Lord to sustain us when the storm is all around.
Now is the time to renew that which has been placed within us. To search out and declare the mysteries of God. To seek out in the secret place the treasures of the Lord. To gravitate towards loving God and dwelling in his presence wherever we go. To draw near to God just as he is drawing nearer to us.
Now is the time to prepare, for the time is yet short for the battle front is coming our way. The history books are being written and the display of the hand of the Lord will move.
There is much fear and anxiety in this generation and much talk on what we can do to help. I believe it is the key of unlocking hearts to the beauty of the Lord, to basking in his beauty and to unit together to declare courage and hope to the generations, to those that are full of fear about the future. To comfort those who morn to weep with those who weep but also to rejoice as we see the hand of the Lord move. For he will do it. The Lord will see that which he has said be fulfilled. For he is the faithful and true God, one who can be trusted in all his ways.
What will change this era to the next?
Unity in the beloved. Unity in the saints. Unity with One Voice declaring Jesus Jesus you are our King we trust your leadership. Lead us, we will say what you say. We will love like the love the father has for you.
We ask we speak we declare would you show us your love, teach us your ways lead us on paths to everlasting life.
To the King of Kings and the one who dwells in inapproachable light be glory and dominion. For to honour the King is the honour the Kingdom.
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