The call goes forth, 'go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.' ( Matt 28:19-20)
The response is.... surely someone else will do it? I'm to busy planning my own life getting my goals achieved. Setting a life that is pleasing and fun. But is it really that, aren't you called for more, to do more, to search for more to discern more...?
There's got to be more to life then being happy, having the latest accessories, having a job you like. Something burns inside me for more, more love, more passion, more joy. But where do I attain it from where does it come from, will it even last?
John 4: 13-14 says "Jesus answered ' everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.' What is the water that God gives us? Is it not love? For it overflows from his heart to ours and spills out on to everyone we give it to. It's an overflowing fountain, never ending. Love, I thirst for it yet it overwhelms me, yet I want more. Mike Bickle in his teaching about the Song of Solomon, says this is love sickness. The Bridegroom is love sick for his bride, and we the bride should be love sick for our bridegroom. We must know him, and to know him in the Jewish context is to know someone intimately.
So I am on an adventure to seek after this love, to find it, to behold my husband Jesus, the one who showered me with kindness, love, affection, grace, the one who laid down his life for me. So that he as scripture says he will received the reward of his suffering; by walking in faith trusting that he is a safe God, that he is my provider, that he goes before me, he is right beside me.
To trust this love that is eternal, that keeps flowing; fear grips me but I shake it off as I gaze at his beauty, the one who is found worthy. (Revelations 5:4-5)
'Go and make disciples'... what are disciples? People that follow a leader, learn from him walk like him, talk like him, reflect him. Oh to reflect the one my heart loves. We were made in the image of God in his likeness we were created. So how does it happened? What makes me be like him? He has called me a daughter of God, a royal priest, his beloved one. These are whom he my lover says I am, so what does it look like to be a daughter of God, a royal priest, his beloved? I don't rightly know but I'm willing to take the chance to find out, because the burning inside me longs to find something new, something overwhelming. Something so deep it hurts but fulfills me to the core. So as I go to the secret place my heart ponders what he will say to me, what will he want to talk about anything or just behold the beauty that I have gleaned from him?
The great commission as it is now called may seem like an expectation Jesus said to do... but he calls us to be His Sons and Daughters to be the people that he has called us to be. And in doing this we will be doing the great commission. Because it won't be out of obligation but love. Love for our father, our Bridegroom, love for the one our hearts yearn for. So ponder for a while and think about what you do and ask yourself are you being who you have been called?
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