Friday, September 27, 2013

A book review that touches the heart

It’s not Business its personal- by Bob Sorge.
A review by Renee Pearce
It’s not Business its Personal is convicting and thought provoking as to the way we live our lives in community and relationships with others. Knowing how Jesus sees us his bride and his affections for her gives me deep joy in my heart that there is someone out there that does and will stand on my behalf, will rescue me, by keeping me accountable and disciplining me to seek the bridegroom and not take my attention and affection from him.
As young girls we longed for our prince charming to come sweep us away so that we will live happily ever after because with him there will be no fears or things to come between us, that will make or stop us from knowing the affections of our prince. Jesus is a Jealous bridegroom and we are his bride but we are also; when we are leaders in ministry; the friend of the bridegroom. Picture a wedding the groom is at the front of the church the best man or friend of the bridegroom is there right beside him. He is there to encourage and support the groom to make him look good. The bride walks down the aisle and the grooms attention is focused solely on the bride, if the friend of the bride tries to get the attention of the bridegroom or even the bride or spoil his or her moment, don’t you think that the bridegroom will get really annoyed. We as the bridegroom’s friend are not meant to take the affection or attention of the bride off the bridegroom otherwise that would mean that you are competition and not a friend. So we need to point people to Jesus not ourselves, do not take what is his. He is the King of all Kings he is the ruler of all do you not think that he will bring justice against you. So when you’re in ministry you need to be aware, of whose affections you’re looking to, to validate who you are. God the father has chosen us mere humans to be the bride of Christ the marriage arrangements have already been made, Christ paid the bride price and we are just waiting for the groom to come back for the bride.
If we are the bride then why are we the bridegroom’s friend too, isn’t that the Holy Spirits job? Thoughts about how the Holy Spirit is a spirit, and likes to use humans to display and speak through makes me come to the conclusion that we are the friend too, but then isn’t this about one bride and one groom? How does the bride; being a number of people be one, communicate or know who the groom is?
This book convicts and speaks to the heart of why we do things. Are we in ministry to get a name for ourselves? What is our hearts response to others being blessed when we are still on the same track going around the mountain? If we are the vessels God uses to show his glory and bring more people into the Kingdom then we have such an important job to look to the groom for his affections and attention, rather than other people. But you might ask what if the bride also shows you affection or attention? Humility is the way to go thank them but point them to Jesus, if we can’t do this then why are we in ministry? It’s a hard question to ask but we need to get to the root of it; is our heart in the right place or are we letting our flesh rule us, believing that only you matter. It’s not about you it’s about God!! He made us to be an image bearer of himself, to love on and display himself through. In return we get to have the God of all creation, the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lord’s affection and attention and live with him forever. This is only a temporary time on earth in which we get to show him off to others, telling others of his great affection for us. So what will you do now to show others your groom?
The father asks us to do different things give up or let go of people or titles or wealth that we think is our own. Abraham gave up his son, Job his wealth and family, Esther her reputation and life, Mary her inheritance and stability for living, and all for what? God tests us to see what is really in our hearts, for us to be able to see our true nature to see who he sees us as. Character building or the unveiling of our true selves can and will be tested time and again to see the purity and cleanness of our hearts. God himself takes our relationship personally making commitments and covenants with us when we mere humans are not able to keep them, and he knows that. What a generous and loving God he is. So is your relationship personal or are you just in it for the attention or the money?  Choose wisely for it will be revealed at the end of time who and what you chose, whether by naivety or knowing the truth will it set you free?  Are you blowing your own trumpet or the one who calls you friend?
Many questions have risen after reading this book and this is good for it makes me think and ask questions to Holy Spirit the one who lives in me and knows my heart. He will speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is God really enough for me?

Is God really enough for me, I look at my circumstances I look at my friends they all have things that seem like they are happy because of the things that they have, an iPhone, the latest gadget, money to spend on food, on clothes and enjoyment needs. But really do these things really satisfy? Does it give our hearts a deep revelation that we are loved and needed or are we filling a hole? Food, love, money, an encouraging word, a warm hug from a friend are small fillers of joy. But isn't there a lasting joy something that satisfies to the core of who I am?

"You make known to me the paths of life; in your presence there is fullness of Joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."   Psalm 16:11

So how does this happen, where do I find this knowledge, this fullness of Joy? It is in your presence. What is your presence? 'The state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing. the area that is closet to someone. someone or something that is seen or noticed in a particular place.' How are we meant to know God is present? He shows himself by moving our hearts or speaking to us.

There is another gem that we get also when we are in his presence we get pleasures forevermore. Bonus!!

Where are you finding pleasures? In friends, in gadgets, in relationships, in travelling. I'm not saying that these are wrong not in the least God created them for us, but we need to come back to the 'One thing I desire' that David wrote about in Psalms 27:4. To have an audience of one approach to get in the secret place and spend time with God. To find pleasures and joy in his nearness. We want to be fascinated and captivated by his beauty, by WHO HE IS. Searching his heart to find our likenesses. To really go deep in the fullness of him who is limitless, yet consistent in all his characteristics not pushing aside one to pick up another like we mere humans do.

Have you ever been in a state of mind or circumstance where everything that could go wrong did and you are fighting the attacks, you are being persistent and crying out for God to break in? Listen to these calming words from Asaph in Psalms 73:23-27 I know it made me stop and realign my thoughts:

"Nevertheless, I am continually with you, you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Listen to what Portion means:

 inheritance, share, allotment, award

For it is better to have God for OUR ALL than to HAVE ALL and be without God.

Listen to those statements YOU hold my right hand, YOU will receive me to glory. there is power on those words and God speaks them to us to encourage us to seek him alone.

So when your feeling down never forget God is right beside you he has already walked the road ahead of you. He formed you and created you HE KNOWS YOU BY NAME!

A Poem about 'The End Times Church'

If you are wanting to hear in the language of poetry what I've been learning about, this is a God inspired poem from the overflow of my heart. I pray you will enjoy it and be challenged to seek the throne room for your own encounters with the Bridegroom King.

                                                  The End Times Church

The time has come the day has dawned when new things will arise.
Awakening a sleeping people from their rest,
to put on their armour and pick up their swords. 
Preparing for a war that is yet to come.
But this is not a physical war against flesh and blood of man, 
but that of the Spirit, fighting things yet to be seen with human eyes.

But the spirit sees and the spirit knows what to do and how to be strong. 
So we equip ourselves with spiritual armour making time 
to shine it and make it strong to protect the important parts.
The preparation time has come this is done through prayer, 
fasting and spending time in the secret place. 
Making sure you have your oil and have made yourself
known to God, as he has done for you.

The time has come the day is near, Jesus our saviour will return
in the sky with clouds around him and fire in his eyes.
His sword that is coming out of his mouth; his name on his thigh.
 He is coming back in power, he is coming back to fight, 
to conquer once and for all the evil of this world.

The nations will wage war against God Almighty, throwing their fists around.
 Destruction will come for those who do not fear the Lord of Hosts. 
The one who will come on a white horse; 
leading the Hosts of Heaven in an up roar against the earth. 

 Demons will scatter the light of the saints will stand, 
calling and beckoning the scattered people to come to safety in the light of salvation. 
Oh the darkness how it emanates across the world the sun has gone, 
the moon does not shine, only faint light of the saints, 
will be seen praying 24/7 for the wickedness to stop
 and for the return of the King.

Fear the Lord for he is bring justice to the earth. 
Come be overwhelmed by his father’s heart towards you.
 Be saturated by the immensity of his love His faithfulness to his bride is immaculate.
 Oh how the woman hungers and the man thirsts for the banquet table, the feast of the Lord.
The heart beats a 1000 times over, beating to the drum of heaven. 
Supernatural things happen the church itself will see. 
The bridegroom is ready, the shout goes forth.

Valiant man take up your sword, valiant men put on your armour.
Pick up the spears to throw, the darts of the Lord will not be shattered.
The arrowhead will not diminish or break.
Faithful ones raise up your voices, righteous ones be glad.
Sing of the joy in your heart, sing, song loudly of the goodness of the Lord.
His presence is near it will come with the Kingdom of Heaven.
The kingdom of the King of Kings, royal brothers declare the faithfulness’s of the Lord,
 royal ones take your place. Set your crown upon your head,
 be robed in your garments. Be adorned in your jewels 
the ring has been placed, the royal one has come.

The valour of men is tiny compared with the valour God places in man. 
Oh the desires of the father’s heart towards his children, 
his desire oh how he longs to be with them, to hold them to rock their fears away.
With fire in his eyes the passion of the King for his Queen, His Bride. 
Don’t you see wicked people the Lord he is one and only God.
 The one who satisfies your deepest longings, your deepest  desires.
 For he knows you and created you. Unique to shine his Glory in different ways.
 Do not look to the right or to the left but to the one your heart will desire.

The one thing you are destined for comes,
come to salvation come to love with the son of God, 
the son that laid down his life. 
Laid down his own plans and was lead by the voice of the Lord. 
Oh listen people, listen to the still small voice. 
For he is calling, calling his people to come
 to repentance to come back to their first love.

The Lord is Almighty worship and give him praise. 
Oh people of this world. 
Have you not seen there is a rising generation, 
ones that will be surrounded by prayer, by thanksgiving to the Lord. 
They will not stand for your lack of interest against the injustice and crime. 
They will not be quiet in your ears, not until the Lord’s name is a praise on the lips
 of the nation he calls his own.

Pray, pray oh saints how their prayers are poured out on the earth 
daily will you listen oh God. Send forth your mighty angels to do the cries of the saints.
 Pour out the bowls, the spirit has come, he’s stirring the bride,
 awakening to get ready for the bridegroom.

Put on the wedding dress, pure white in his sight. 
Pearls and gems gleaming and draping down the aisle magnificent in beauty. 
Robed in splendor and graciously confident, of the love she has for her lover. 
Excitement spreads across her face a smile of delight adorns her appearance. 
Shining in the beauty of her King.

In the dressing room she waits for the call the announcement for her time to come.
The day has dawned when she will be joined together forever
 with her beloved in spirit and in truth.

The spirit and the bride say come.(Revelations 22:17)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Wilderness season – The Knowing of Oneself

Jesus was lead into the Spirit to be tested and tried to see what his heart confessed. Knowing who he was he stood his ground when Satan came and tempted him with making food- the pleasures of the world, - throw yourself off a cliff- tested him about who he was as the son of God and also worship of idols or things we hold dear to ourselves that are more important than God.
Coming to Tauranga I have really been persistent in know whom God created me to be and taking this time in the presence of the Lord (internship with THOP) I am learning about who he is and what he reveals in me to others. (Growing fruit for others) What he enjoys about me and learning about one’s true self is so exciting, yet hard to live out because it is actually reality and it is actually the person God created me to be before the creation of the world. Living in a world of torture and pain of constant rejection and disappointment (demonic attack) I look to Jesus my beloved one to search him out to see our likenesses and believe that my heart is good; because he has given me a new heart one that longs for his return. My heart sees him as the only thing stable and reassuring in my life. Knowing that it’s not about talking to people or having something to share (although this is good) that it is in the presence of a person that we are pleased, feel accepted. By just being in a room gives courage and stability to others; this is what Jesus has been showing me. That he is near me, he is my protection (Psalm 18:9-16) he is my gallant prince that rescues me. A lot of tears have been shed; deep pains healed, forgiveness of oneself has been received at a heart level. And knowing that by perseverance God is leading, he is my stability, he is my guide. One of the great Revelation that I have had is that I, Renee am a daughter of God, reborn to reap a blessing of God. I am a strong warrior and a busy one that seeks out understanding to share with others. I like to help people to rise from the ashes into the beauty of the Lord that surrounds them. God is birthing in me a fire that sets others ablaze that rages and imparts encouragement, wisdom and blessing to others.
This is me, exciting aye!!

In other news we are going on outreach for the internship and are going to be staying in Lower Hutt with the Hope Centre church down there. We had a Volleyball tournament this last weekend and my team came 2nd YAY. I’ve been getting a lot of lyrics from God’s heart and just been enjoying life up here in Sunny Tauranga.

Please keep me in prayer in regards to protection of my heart, the building up of faith for me and others. And that unity will be in the hearts of the people here in Tauranga. Also please would you consider praying and asking God for a word for me as to what he wants me to do next after this internship? (Please email me if you do get a word from God, or even if you are encouraged by this update.)

God bless

In HIS timing, and for His Pleasure