Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Wilderness season – The Knowing of Oneself

Jesus was lead into the Spirit to be tested and tried to see what his heart confessed. Knowing who he was he stood his ground when Satan came and tempted him with making food- the pleasures of the world, - throw yourself off a cliff- tested him about who he was as the son of God and also worship of idols or things we hold dear to ourselves that are more important than God.
Coming to Tauranga I have really been persistent in know whom God created me to be and taking this time in the presence of the Lord (internship with THOP) I am learning about who he is and what he reveals in me to others. (Growing fruit for others) What he enjoys about me and learning about one’s true self is so exciting, yet hard to live out because it is actually reality and it is actually the person God created me to be before the creation of the world. Living in a world of torture and pain of constant rejection and disappointment (demonic attack) I look to Jesus my beloved one to search him out to see our likenesses and believe that my heart is good; because he has given me a new heart one that longs for his return. My heart sees him as the only thing stable and reassuring in my life. Knowing that it’s not about talking to people or having something to share (although this is good) that it is in the presence of a person that we are pleased, feel accepted. By just being in a room gives courage and stability to others; this is what Jesus has been showing me. That he is near me, he is my protection (Psalm 18:9-16) he is my gallant prince that rescues me. A lot of tears have been shed; deep pains healed, forgiveness of oneself has been received at a heart level. And knowing that by perseverance God is leading, he is my stability, he is my guide. One of the great Revelation that I have had is that I, Renee am a daughter of God, reborn to reap a blessing of God. I am a strong warrior and a busy one that seeks out understanding to share with others. I like to help people to rise from the ashes into the beauty of the Lord that surrounds them. God is birthing in me a fire that sets others ablaze that rages and imparts encouragement, wisdom and blessing to others.
This is me, exciting aye!!

In other news we are going on outreach for the internship and are going to be staying in Lower Hutt with the Hope Centre church down there. We had a Volleyball tournament this last weekend and my team came 2nd YAY. I’ve been getting a lot of lyrics from God’s heart and just been enjoying life up here in Sunny Tauranga.

Please keep me in prayer in regards to protection of my heart, the building up of faith for me and others. And that unity will be in the hearts of the people here in Tauranga. Also please would you consider praying and asking God for a word for me as to what he wants me to do next after this internship? (Please email me if you do get a word from God, or even if you are encouraged by this update.)

God bless

In HIS timing, and for His Pleasure

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